About Matiss

Matiss DzelveI welcome each and every one of you to the website I’ve dedicated fully to helping people find the most relevant, up-to-date, unbiased, and complete information about luxury watches out there.

I am Matiss Dzelve and I’m a Truth Seeker in everything that I do. I’m not afraid to be wrong or proved wrong. I’m not afraid to be criticized or to criticize.

And neither am I fixated on a certain outcome or result.

The only thing I am fixated on is helping you.

And finding the real truth when it comes to watches, especially the luxury ones.

My STORY – Me And My Connection With Watches

I guess this is the part where I should tell you how much I love watches and that I’ve spent all my life wearing one. That I’ve always been following the trends and that for decades I’ve been reading about watches every single day. That I’m a guru when it comes to them.

Me And My Connection With Watches

But that’s not true.

The truth is that when starting this website I barely knew anything about watches. I had very little experience with them and no special knowledge.

What I did have and still have to this day though, is a deep and unending fascination with them.

And that I always have had.

I’ve just never had the guts and maybe the courage to pursue this passion before.

But now I do.

And as I see it, being a Truth Seeker that I am, I’m not bogged down by stereotypes and imagined, self-imposed limitations of the luxury watch industry or universally accepted ways how something should be done. Instead, I’m all about finding what is the best approach, idea, concept, or whatever else that concerns and is related to the particulars of this niche.

And in doing that, sharing my findings and bringing more clarity to everyone seeking to learn more about or purchasing a watch.

My ‘WHY’ When It Comes To Helping You

As long as I remember myself, I’ve always wanted to help people.

I Am All About Helping Others

I’ve found that this brings the highest intrinsic reward to me. It makes me feel good knowing that with the knowledge I’ve acquired I can help someone make better and wiser decisions.

For me, it’s truly an inner feeling like no other.

This is not to say that in time I won’t be adding ways to this website to monetize it. I would love this to become a website visited by millions of people every month. And I’ll work hard to make that happen. However, it’s undeniable that I will need resources to bring that into reality.

Here’s one thing I can promise to you though.

It will never cost anything to you (read more about how this works in our affiliate disclosure).

And this will be exactly the case for as long as this website exists.

Fully Dedicated To Finding The Truth

So, what is the core purpose and goal of this website? Given all that we’ve gone over above, there’s a couple.

There are many websites out there that I feel are purely about luring people into buying watches without ever providing proper, comprehensive insights on them. Hence, websites that supposedly are about informing people but really they are fully profit-driven.

Thus, one of our main goals at the Watches Kingdom is to disrupt that. And to do so by providing the most (and I’m not kidding or exaggerating in any way) comprehensive insights around to the best of our ability.

The second reason kind of stems from the fact of many being profit-driven. It’s not rare to see or encounter somewhat or ridiculously biased reviews on watches that cost a lot. Hence, if they lure you into making a purchase, they earn a high commission.

But at the Watches Kingdom, you’ll have none of that. We’re not driven that way. As I’ve mentioned already, the only thing we really care about is helping you and finding the truth.

That is our main concern and undertaking.

it-is-about-helping-you-spend-less-timeAnd finally, the third, again, kind of derives from the first one.

Our goal is to help you save time when it comes to learning about watches and finding the right piece for you.

And in that regard, it’s about creating less frustration due to the vast options or contradictory research and insights you may find online. It’s about bringing joy to what comes with being sure about your decision.

Moreover, it’s about spreading happiness in having to spend less time on research and thus, being able to spend more of it on things of your choice, like family, career, or whatever else fits best your mold.

It’s all about making sure that you don’t expend any more time on this than you need to.

I hope that makes sense.

Other than that, if you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them on any post or contact me at Matiss.Dzelve@WatchesKingdom.com and I will be more than happy to get back to you as soon as I can!

All the best,

Matiss Dzelve

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